Saturday, March 04, 2006

Lee Hoffman

.....Where does one start? Graduation Day in 1964 found myself enroute to San Antonio, TX to become a member of the USAF, where I spent the following six years. I had the pleasure of spending time in such exotic places like, Marquette, MI, Chateauroux,France and London, England. I returned to Crawforsville in 1970 for a short stay before moving to Clearwater, Fl. In 1979 we moved to Surfers Paradise in Queensland, Australia where we spent the next four years before returning to central Illinois working for Illinois Power at the Nuclear facility in Clinton, Ill. While there I achieved one of my most cherished accomplishments, bringing a new nuclear facility on-line with the highest possible rating granted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as the Director of Security. Once again in 1989 we got the itch to move to a warmer climate and ended up in a place called Charleston, SC where we still reside. I am a manager in the Cox Communications conglomerate, which I am sure some of you are familiar with. My wifge and I have been married 37 years now, have one daughter, and one grandson who is now in the 5th grade. Had the unfortunate return to Crawfordsville in April 2006 after some 20 plus years to attend my mother's funeral, to find the small town still existed and people are still very neighborly toward their mankind.


At Saturday, 23 September, 2006, Blogger Blog Administrator said...


Thanks for sharing about yourself on our classblog. I was going to send you a thank-you note, but I do not have your e-mail address. Also, I would be happy to put your picture on your new bio page. We are proud to have you as a classmate.

At Saturday, 23 September, 2006, Blogger Blog Administrator said...


Great to hear from you!! Sounds like your life has been filled with lots of excitement since leav-ing dear ole CHS!! Have you had a chance to read the latest list of deceased classmates? As we are all reaching 60, the list just keeps getting longer.
Hope you will plan to come to our next party. It won't be until 2009
but with us it is never too early to start planning---either for the 45 (which is this next 1) or the 50th, we are hoping to plan a cruise trip. But that is still going to take a lot of work for all of us.
How near are you getting to retire-
ment? There are a few in the class who have already retired.
Doug Galloway is in D.C. But recently bought a duplex here in C'
ville, & has been making trips back & forth on weekends, etc. to get it in shape to rent out again.
I must say it is looking a lot better than it did, because Steve & I lived in it when we were 1st married, over 42 yrs ago!!!!!!

Elaine (Dutcher) Carey

11:24 PM


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