Saturday, March 04, 2006

Gary Garver

After graduation in 64:

Worked at RRD 65-76…they paid for me to take a several years of ‘Computer Classes’ at both Wabash and Purdue. I worked first as Computer Operator, then Programmer/Analyst.

I was also in the Indiana Nation Guard 1965-1971, with Larry Cooper, Steve Macke, Joe Dickerson, Byron Runyon, Jim White, and ???

Married in 1968, divorced 1990.

Daughter born 1969. She got her degrees in 1990 and lives in FL where she ‘dabbles’ in real estate and property management.

Left RRD ~1976 to work in Indy for Danners as Director of Data Center.

Moved to CA in 1979 where I lived until 1990.

Worked for TRW/ESL as Manager Information Technology for 4 years.

Took job with Apple Computer in 1983 as Director of Data Centers.
One of the greatest places I had/have ever worked. They paid for classes at Stanford and Santa Clara U. Apple is a long story for another day.

I’ll fast forward, zooooooooom…..

Worked in Computer Industry until I retired late 2008.

My current wife and I live most of the time in MN, where she is a nurse.
She is 10 years my junior (my retirement plan supplement) and will not retire for several years.
We bought home on a neat lake, in the foothills of the Ozarks, where we spend as much time as we can, until she retires.

For my retirement exercise, I play racquetball (since 1975), usually 3-4 times weekly and a few tournaments every year. I was actually lucky to find a sport where you don’t have to be 6 feet tall or 200 pounds, in order to be competitive. In 1998-9 I made it to 8th in the State, in ranked players…..but that was ten years ago. Now I play in fewer tournaments and do more teaching and sport play.
I also collect and restore vintage stereo gear...sometimes to my wife’s chagrin. She has to be a tolerant wife, since she let’s me have 5-7 speakers in our living rooms and bedroom….hey, the older I get the more help in hearing I need.

Well I failed at what was intended to be a few sentences. It is difficult to get 45+ years onto one page.

Let me close with this.

I just looked through my “64 Athenian” and realized that I knew every single person in our class. What hit me was this” I liked ALL of my classmates! There may have been times where there were hard feelings (hell we were kids), but ask yourself…how many people have the good fortune to like all of their classmates?

Thank you good friends and classmates.

If bored…here are a couple of my links… (wife is always changing pics ):

Gary Garver


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