Sunday, March 05, 2006

Donald (Corky) Carver

Well, where to start…It was a dark and stormy night…no, that’s another work of fiction I must complete.

After high school I worked at RRD until October of 64 then joined the Air Force. People ask if I was ever in the military and I tell them no. When they find out I was in the Air Force, they call me on it and I have to explain. I never thought the AF was the military, we just had to wear a uniform and had occasional parades.

I married a girl from New Mexico in 1966 and we divorced in 1972 just before I was sent to the Philippines. A year and a half later I married a young lady from the PI. We have been together now for 34 years and have two children, ages 30 and 28. (Where have the years gone???)

When I separated from the Air Force, we moved to California and I began the ordeal of looking for work. As I didn’t speak Spanish or Portuguese, this was a rough task. I finally swallowed my pride and took a position with the Department of Motor Vehicles. I now work for Arnold Schwarzenegger in a round about way. (Good Lord, what’s this world coming to?) I’ve lied and cheated my way up to middle management and now work as a technical rep for the director of the department.

I have scheduled my retirement for April next year. (I know, how could I ever give all this up???) Rose, my wife, and I plan on moving to Texas and also will build a home in the Philippines. We hope to fly back and forth as long as we physically can. At this stage of life I look forward to this plan. A trip now and then back to good ole C’Ville will be a great beginning for the rest of my life.

I also plan on keeping this blog listed in my favorites so I can refer to all the rest of you when you send in your bios. Get on the ball and turn them in!!! I miss all of you and wonder where you’ve gone. Write and let me know.

Corky (


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