Wednesday, March 08, 2006

1964 CHS Classmates Bios

Where have your footsteps taken you?

Classmates please e-mail your personal updates (Bios) to the 1964 Alumni Committee:

I will create a page with just your name on the link. Your bio can be a short comment, photos, or even your personal web page. I will be happy to update or change your page per your request. Please know that this page is limited to our classmates. However, any site visitors are welcome to add friendly comments.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Richard Brock

Richard Brock (Quack)

Here’s the short version of my bio. Went to Sam’s Tech for (2 yrs) in Indianapolis, off to Iowa to work for Collins Radio (13 yrs), 2 kids, and back to Ft. Wayne, IN to work for Magnavox/Hughes/Raytheon (currently at 28 yrs service and still counting). In the meantime, I got my BS from Tri State, moved to Madeira Beach, FL (still working for Raytheon) and live here now pretending like I’m retired. I re-married in 1998 and picked up 3 step-kids and love the family “grandfather” life as I now have 3 grandkids.

I’m battling cancer and currently in the middle of chemotherapy, but feel positive that I’m going to lick it. After the health issue, I don’t feel like I can retire due to the mega bucks being poured out by my work insurance. Nevertheless, I love what I’m doing; we love the weather down here as we’re near enough to the beach to enjoy the sea breeze, but far enough away to not have to battle the characters that roam the beach and the red tide. We’ll play dodge-the-hurricane this summer again, but from Nov. to May you couldn’t ask for better weather.

Here’s a picture of me in Indian Rocks Beach after visiting one of the many festivals.

Well wishes to all!


Monday, March 06, 2006

Dave Brown

Bio: Dave Brown "Your class of 64 Junior Class President"

It is great to see some of the bios of '64 members. It always amazes me how much we have migrated to various parts of the country. Here is some of my history.

Married in 67 to a girl from Carmel. Graduated in 71 and taught Industrial Ed. for 2 years, the last being Carmel High. National Guard duty '66 thru '73. Spent several years in the property & casualty insurance field ending up in California for 8 years, remarried in '80, moved to Oregon to start Sign Crafters or Oregon in 1988. Have been single for 6 years, now operate both the sign company and The Awning Company in Salem.

I continued playing basketball until my body said "stop it" a couple of years ago. Played competitive volleyball then recreational until I began to lose my jump in '99, still play tennis weekly. Proudly can say I still weigh my high school "skinny" weight. Spend a lot of my weekends doing "swing and ballroom dancing". Travel as much as possible with my busy work schedule, often by my large touring type motorcycle with my lady on the back.

Have one son 24, now teaching English in Fukuoka, Japan. "And that's about all I got to say about that"

Here's a question for everyone: Who were the (4) 1964 class athletes who lettered as a freshman, and for bonus points, in what sport?

Larry Caldwell

During the summer of '64, I worked for Mid-States Steel and Wire Co., in the Maintenance Dept., waiting to report for Marine Corps boot camp. That summer was made of the stuff you would only see in the movies. I had a really great summer waiting to report for military service. Jim Hamilton and I enlisted in April, knowing we'd go together to training in San Diego in August. We timed it that way so we'd be home for Christmas.
After Recruit Trng I was sent to Camp Lejeune, NC. Jim was sent to Okinawa then eventually to Vietnam. Our paths crossed in Vietnam when I was reporting in and he was a few days from being sent back to the States. I never saw or heard from Jim again. I would like to hear from him, I have some boot camp questions to ask.Besides, Camp Lejeune, NC, I was stationed in Norfolk, Va; Salt Lake City, Ut; Palomar College, San Marcos, Ca; Camp Pendleton, Ca; Barstow, Ca; Vietnam and later I spent another year in Okinawa.
I was also able to complete college in the military receiving both AA (Police Science) and BA (Criminal Justice) degrees. I had some teachers in HS who would have lost a considerable amount of money betting on the chances of me graduating from college!
After the miltiary years I sort out and gained employment with the federal government, that way I was able to apply my military time towards retirement. I retired in Jul '03 from my position as a Security Director for a major military command in San Diego where I had lived for over 30-years.
In Jun '04, we sold out house in San Diego and relocated to the Central Valley of Ca. My current wife, Catherine, is from this area. But, it's typically hotter here than it was down there and we thought it was hot there. Not as hot as Barstow, but it gets pretty warm here.
I remarried in 1985, to a CA gal and we are very happy and feel quite blessed. I inherited two more girls as a result of that marriage and both of those girls live and work in this general area. None of the girls from my first marriage live anywhere around here so I don't see them much.The years since HS have gone by so very very fast that it's difficult to really grasp where they went. I hope time will slow down, but I'm finding that not to be the case. To the contrary, time seems to be speeding up. . . Larry

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Elaine (Dutcher) Carey

I guess I have a story also, my very best friend, was Carol Rogers, who came to CHS in the fall after I came in the middle of the 8th grade & we had both gone to Waveland together in the 8th grade. Well, you remember how in the cold winter, they would let us wait in the gym until time for the1st class in the a.m. Anyway, she was already there with a guy she had dated recently when I came in & went over to them to say "Hi" well she introduced us & that became the END of my single days, as it happened to be Steve Carey, from the class of 1962 & Carol & I have remained "best friends" also the entire time.
Let's see now, I guess that would have been late in the winter or early spring of 1961Oh my!!! That makes in almost 45 yrs ago!!! EGAD!!!!! Are we that old already??? Anyway, Steve & I are still together, raised 2 sons that are now 39 & 35. The 39 yr old is married, & just celebrated their 8th anniversary, & they live in Nashville, TN. The 35 yr old is still single & LOOKING-He works right here in C'ville for RRD & Sons. He has written several of his own songs & lyrics, goes to clubs, etc. but he doesn't drink, smoke, nor does he do drugs of any kind. He goes to the clubs for the music only & perhaps hoping to find the "right one"
Steve & I own our own home. It is a 3 bdrm brick ranch, south of town, fairly close to the airport.We moved out here in 1987 & we have about 3acres & 2 siberian huskies.

Donald (Corky) Carver

Well, where to start…It was a dark and stormy night…no, that’s another work of fiction I must complete.

After high school I worked at RRD until October of 64 then joined the Air Force. People ask if I was ever in the military and I tell them no. When they find out I was in the Air Force, they call me on it and I have to explain. I never thought the AF was the military, we just had to wear a uniform and had occasional parades.

I married a girl from New Mexico in 1966 and we divorced in 1972 just before I was sent to the Philippines. A year and a half later I married a young lady from the PI. We have been together now for 34 years and have two children, ages 30 and 28. (Where have the years gone???)

When I separated from the Air Force, we moved to California and I began the ordeal of looking for work. As I didn’t speak Spanish or Portuguese, this was a rough task. I finally swallowed my pride and took a position with the Department of Motor Vehicles. I now work for Arnold Schwarzenegger in a round about way. (Good Lord, what’s this world coming to?) I’ve lied and cheated my way up to middle management and now work as a technical rep for the director of the department.

I have scheduled my retirement for April next year. (I know, how could I ever give all this up???) Rose, my wife, and I plan on moving to Texas and also will build a home in the Philippines. We hope to fly back and forth as long as we physically can. At this stage of life I look forward to this plan. A trip now and then back to good ole C’Ville will be a great beginning for the rest of my life.

I also plan on keeping this blog listed in my favorites so I can refer to all the rest of you when you send in your bios. Get on the ball and turn them in!!! I miss all of you and wonder where you’ve gone. Write and let me know.

Corky (

Jean Crawford

jean crawford said...

I've been lurking for awhile, I really appreciate the website and I know other CHS classes are envious. I wish more people would participate. Is there anyway to email those who attended the reunion to urge them to participate.a bit about moi - I've lived in Arlington, Va since '68 except for 5 years outside of Charlottesville. I'm an attorney (but who isn't in this area!) VERY active in Demo politics, President of the Animal Welfare League of Arlington, work for the local government on legislation and tax issues, live with a VERY interesting but nerdy guy, Jerry Hough, who's a professor at Duke (I highly recommend "spacial relationships"). My parents, Ginny & Ken Crawford are still kicking, racing trotters. The big "celebrity" in the family is my sister Cynie's oldest kid, Alexander, who is a professional wrestler sorta - Sweet & Sour Larry Sweeney. And I've been so lucky to "see the world" - most recently Turkey. Who knew the world
is so fascinating.My email is

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Gary Garver

After graduation in 64:

Worked at RRD 65-76…they paid for me to take a several years of ‘Computer Classes’ at both Wabash and Purdue. I worked first as Computer Operator, then Programmer/Analyst.

I was also in the Indiana Nation Guard 1965-1971, with Larry Cooper, Steve Macke, Joe Dickerson, Byron Runyon, Jim White, and ???

Married in 1968, divorced 1990.

Daughter born 1969. She got her degrees in 1990 and lives in FL where she ‘dabbles’ in real estate and property management.

Left RRD ~1976 to work in Indy for Danners as Director of Data Center.

Moved to CA in 1979 where I lived until 1990.

Worked for TRW/ESL as Manager Information Technology for 4 years.

Took job with Apple Computer in 1983 as Director of Data Centers.
One of the greatest places I had/have ever worked. They paid for classes at Stanford and Santa Clara U. Apple is a long story for another day.

I’ll fast forward, zooooooooom…..

Worked in Computer Industry until I retired late 2008.

My current wife and I live most of the time in MN, where she is a nurse.
She is 10 years my junior (my retirement plan supplement) and will not retire for several years.
We bought home on a neat lake, in the foothills of the Ozarks, where we spend as much time as we can, until she retires.

For my retirement exercise, I play racquetball (since 1975), usually 3-4 times weekly and a few tournaments every year. I was actually lucky to find a sport where you don’t have to be 6 feet tall or 200 pounds, in order to be competitive. In 1998-9 I made it to 8th in the State, in ranked players…..but that was ten years ago. Now I play in fewer tournaments and do more teaching and sport play.
I also collect and restore vintage stereo gear...sometimes to my wife’s chagrin. She has to be a tolerant wife, since she let’s me have 5-7 speakers in our living rooms and bedroom….hey, the older I get the more help in hearing I need.

Well I failed at what was intended to be a few sentences. It is difficult to get 45+ years onto one page.

Let me close with this.

I just looked through my “64 Athenian” and realized that I knew every single person in our class. What hit me was this” I liked ALL of my classmates! There may have been times where there were hard feelings (hell we were kids), but ask yourself…how many people have the good fortune to like all of their classmates?

Thank you good friends and classmates.

If bored…here are a couple of my links… (wife is always changing pics ):

Gary Garver

Lee Hoffman

.....Where does one start? Graduation Day in 1964 found myself enroute to San Antonio, TX to become a member of the USAF, where I spent the following six years. I had the pleasure of spending time in such exotic places like, Marquette, MI, Chateauroux,France and London, England. I returned to Crawforsville in 1970 for a short stay before moving to Clearwater, Fl. In 1979 we moved to Surfers Paradise in Queensland, Australia where we spent the next four years before returning to central Illinois working for Illinois Power at the Nuclear facility in Clinton, Ill. While there I achieved one of my most cherished accomplishments, bringing a new nuclear facility on-line with the highest possible rating granted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as the Director of Security. Once again in 1989 we got the itch to move to a warmer climate and ended up in a place called Charleston, SC where we still reside. I am a manager in the Cox Communications conglomerate, which I am sure some of you are familiar with. My wifge and I have been married 37 years now, have one daughter, and one grandson who is now in the 5th grade. Had the unfortunate return to Crawfordsville in April 2006 after some 20 plus years to attend my mother's funeral, to find the small town still existed and people are still very neighborly toward their mankind.

Friday, March 03, 2006

More Classmates BIOS

Where have your footsteps taken you?

Classmates please e-mail your personal updates (Bios) to the 1964 Alumni Committee:

I will create a page with just your name on the link. Your bio can be a short comment, photos, or even your personal web page. I will be happy to update or change your page per your request. Please know that this page is limited to our classmates. However, any site visitors are welcome to add friendly comments.
